29th EWG-IE and 4th EWG-OOE

Registrations are now closed!


We are pleased to invite you to the Ecole Centrale de Lyon to attend the:

  • 29th Meeting of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion, from July 2nd to 5th 2023
  • 4th Meeting of the European Working Group on Overflow and Overtopping Erosion, from July 5th to 7th 2023.


Following the EWG-IE-28 in Sheffield in July 2022 and the EWG-OOE-3 in Madrid in November 2022, the Lyon meeting will provide a forum for sharing novel ideas and recent advances on topics related to, respectively:

  • internal erosion through water-retaining structures, such as embankment dams, levees and dikes, and in their foundations;
  • overflow erosion of embankment dams and levees, overflow erosion of bedrock downstream of concrete dams and overtopping erosion of embankment dams and levees.

Researchers, scientists and engineers, from the private and public sector, in Europe and elsewhere, are welcome.


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